Zoho CRM is yet another provider of On-Demand Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software on cloud. Just like Salesforce it provides the sales force, executives, and management with sophisticated sales management functions. And so we chose Zoho CRM for our new integration article.

You can get started with Zoho CRM and get an overview here


Zoho CRM provides REST API (Application Programming Interface) that lets you integrate CRM with third-party applications. With the Zoho CRM API, you can extract CRM data in XML or JSON format and integrate with your existing business applications; say on Salesforce.

For more details about Zoho CRM API you can refer this link.

We will see Salesforce integration with Zoho using Zoho API in a later article. In this article we will see what all Zoho has got to integrate with Salesforce.

Deluge - The Apex of Zoho

Deluge is an abbreviation for Data Enriched Language for the Universal Grid Environment and is the programming language of Zoho integrated with Zoho Creator. It enables users to add logic to the application. Though not as powerful as Apex it is similar to Apex in terms of the purpose it solves i.e. customising the application.

Integration with Salesforce

Below listed are the links of articles describing the actions that can be accomplished from Zoho to Salesforce. But before that we need to establish a connection between Zoho Creator and Salesforce as an initial step of integration. Follow the next section for the steps to create a connection.

  1. Create a Record - To create a new record in Salesforce.
  2. Get records - To fetch records from Salesforce based on given criteria.
  3. Get records using ID - To fetch records from Salesforce based on given record ID
  4. Search Records - To search records based on search query.
  5. Update Records - To update records in Salesforce.


The "Connections" page enables you to integrate your cloud services with Zoho Creator. The integration takes place by adding a connection in Zoho Creator for each service. To create a connection:

  1. Go to the home page of your Zoho Creator account
  2. Click on Setup on the top right corner. Now click on Connections on the left pane.
  3. Click on Add Connection to add a new connection

Add Connection

  1. Select the required cloud service to add as a connection. For example to add Salesforce as a connection, click on Salesforce.

Salesforce Connection

  1. Once the connection is added, it gets listed in the Connections page. The following image shows Salesforce(CRM) as added connection, where CRM is the connection name.

Salesforce Connection in Zoho

Once a connection is added, it can be used to integrate your Zoho Creator application with the respective cloud service. You can then perform various actions like add records, fetch records, search for records etc. from the connected cloud service

The specified Connection name will be used in scripting, to connect Zoho Creator with the selected cloud service.

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