Below are the list of articles that would be published on inteygrate in coming days. If one of these articles interests you or if you feel that you too can write an article on any of these topics then email us with your selected article title as subject to [email protected].

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Inteygrate List of Articles

Salesforce Stripe Integration

Salesforce Okta Integration

QR Code Scanner with Salesforce1

Transform your Customer Experience with Augmented Reality in Salesforce
3D and interactive knowledge articles, Virtual manuals for the Field ServiceAgents on field for quickly identifying the model - type - other configurationsof the installed product that helps in finding and fixing the problem moreeasily, Equip the Health Cloud with Augmented Reality to empower the…
Salesforce and Augmented Reality
The Uber Lightning Component : an UBER - SFDC integration
In today’s world, most of the business deals get done via emails and phonecalls, but there is always a need for the in-person meetings. A year ago,Salesforce has introduced a powerful package on the similar lines, by the nameof FIELD SERVICE LIGHTNING. As the name suggests, it is for the fieldte…
Salesforce Uber Integration
Salesforce Telegram Bot Integration
What are bots or more specifically chatbots? How do they work? Why are they sucha big opportunity? What is the need of a chatbot integration? Its important toknow the answer to these questions since otherwise the integration wouldn’treally look to be of significant importance. So what is a Bot?…
Salesforce Telegram Bot Integration

Salesforce Facebook Integration

Salesforce Twitter Integration

Salesforce Ethereum Integration

Salesforce Blockchain Wallet Integration

Salesforce Youtube integration

Improve your Sales performance with Slack and Salesforce Integration
Slack [] is a team collaboration application that has gained asignificant amount of momentum over the last few years. One of the things thatsets Slack apart is the simple and powerful way it can integrate with externalapplications. In this and the next series of articles, we wil…
Salesforce Slack Integration

Salesforce Google AdWords Integration

Salesforce Einstein Analytics integration with Google Analytics
Einstein Analytics, formally known as Wave Analytics connects data from multiplesources in an easy and convenient way that can be explored to uncover variousinsights without worrying about building any of the mathematical models.Salesforce Einstein Analytics empowers Sales representatives, Market…
Salesforce Google Analytics Integration

Salesforce PayPal Integration

Salesforce WhatsApp Integration via Twilio
In one of the previous [] post on inteygrate we made an attempt to integrate Salesforce with WhatsAppusing an unofficial library Yowsup. We were successfully able to make theconnection using a middleware code in Python and send messages from …
Salesforce Twilio Integration

Salesforce WeChat Integration

Salesforce IBM Watson Integration

Salesforce Dribble Integration

Salesforce Alexa Integration

Salesforce Fitbit Integration

GitHub integration with Salesforce using OAuth 2.0
In a time when Agile methodology, DevOps, CI/CD are no more just a new kid inthe block, industries are looking for something way beyond than just automateddeployment pipeline or improved branching strategy. The new focus is towardscontrolling the different units of this pipeline remotely, or rath…
Salesforce Github Integration

Salesforce Typeforms Integration

Salesforce Quickbooks Integration

Salesforce Nexmo Integration

Salesforce Line Integration

Salesforce Viber Integration

Salesforce Pinterest Integration

Salesforce HipChat Integration

Salesforce Amazon AWS S3 Integration

Salesforce Glip Integration

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